The CVP - Explained
The CVP was founded in 2019 to improve social licence, reduce regulatory risk, lower costs and increase the success of delivering commercially important future linear infrastructure for Canada. The founders envision Indigenous peoples, governments, industry and financiers jointly owning a commercial collaborative enterprise, within which they can establish interests, determine strategic need, find mutual benefits and negotiate agreements to establish rights-of-way for common carrier linear infrastructure.
“The CVP is a missing “platform” through which national strategic infrastructure can be evaluated, negotiated and brought forward to regulators for approval. The ownership and common carrier structure of the CVP creates the tension for mutual interest dialogue and negotiations between governments, Indigenous people, industry, and ENGOs to plan, lease and manage rights of way (“ROW”). Through the CVP, linear infrastructure that is consistent with national goals and eligible under the CVP Charter will have a lower-cost, lower-risk and more timely path to approval. Physical infrastructure will be constructed and owned by individual developers on leased CVP ROW. The CVP will be sustained for ongoing path development and long-term management through lease income from use. Consequently, ROW selection will be based on the principle of finding the best infrastructure route with lowest impacts (socially and environmentally) to deliver multiple commercial opportunities. ROWs will build value over time through bidirectional trade, realizing efficiencies and delivering on Canada’s decarbonization obligations.”
Canada is a trading nation, our economy depends on exporting products that are competitive and valued on the worldwide market. Trade bottlenecks, from lack of port capacity to internal transportation, devalue our export products and increase costs on imports. Significant price basis differentials between provinces, caused by internal trade and transportation barriers, are a general drag on Canadian competitiveness.
The CVP has examined the Canadian infrastructure development process in worldwide context and identified crucial impediments to moving national and strategic infrastructure forward. In summary, Canada is currently unable to strategically identify, prioritize and advance linear infrastructure of all forms in a thoughtful, timely and organized fashion.
The CVP will consist of a series of interconnected functional right of way segments linking Canada’s commercial and resource nodes to provide multiple infrastructure opportunities across the country. CVP routes must be commercially functional to create a financially and socially sustainable maintenance model. Regions will derive value from CVP ROW locations because they will better link existing nodes and encourage additional parallel trade between nodes. CVP pathways will be designed to meet the needs for infrastructure development while reducing overall negative geographical and social impact.
Segments will be established over time through social and commercial negotiations based on the requirements and assessment of need in Canada’s national and strategic interest. Consequently, certain segments will be available in near term while others will take time to develop strategic commercial drivers. Some segments will see singular use while others will immediately have multiple uses which will change over time. However, all will be strategically connected to deliver on an ultimate objective of a more nationally connected and decarbonized Canada. The most likely early segments are BC to AB and MB to ON. Other links will develop based on commercial discussions and needs.
The CVP structure and proposals, guided by analysis, successful examples, and advice are designed to address Canada’s infrastructure development shortcomings by:
Bringing the Parties to the “Negotiating” Table -Establishing Social Licence
Establishing a Governance Structure – Charter of Governance and Operations
Order of Process Two Step Regulatory Process
Sustainable Entity for Future Infrastructure Pathway Development and Oversight
Selection of Routes with Multiple Purposes