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Pan-Canadian economic pathways aren't a new idea, the value opportunity is well known. CVP is working to demonstrate how they can be built in our country.


Additional resources on the merits of pan-Canadian pathways can be found at these independent organizations:


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The University of Calgary has a dedicated team of academics and researchers currently conducting research to further demonstrate the value of corridors across Canada.


For more information, click here.

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The ACEC is urging the government to enact many of the recommendations from the 2017 Senate Report that encouraged the establishment of a pan-Canadian pathway.


For more information, click here.


The Senate of Canada's Standing Senate Committee
on Banking, Trade and Commerce published a report in 2017 outlining the need for pan-Canadian pathways.


To read the report, click here.


The Acres Mid-Canada Report was published in 1969 and was authored by one of Canada's most respected veterans and lawyers, Richard Rohmer.


To see the report, click here.


To read an editorial on Richard Rohmer's accomplishments, click here.

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